
Who knew the robots file could be so political. Nevertheless, the new administration Today ushered in a new robots.txt file!

Kottke has the full rundown

As Jason said, the robots.txt file tells search engines which part of the website they are allowed or not allowed to index. Before, the whitehouse website was more restricted and dictatorial in its search engine diplomacy, and now it is more open and more democratic!


It is what it is, and it ain’t nothin’ else. . . . Everything is clearly, openly, plainly delivered.

— Dan Flavin

(applicable to all minimalism?)

Reggie Watts


Saw Reggie’s latest show Transition last week at the public.

Wow. I think “sasquatch in the night” my be my new fav though it’s hard to beat “F*$K,S#%T,STACK”. I gotta hand it to him, this guy really knows what he’s doing. He wraps an intellectual foray into deconstructing contemporary performance and culture into an entertaining, accessible, easily swallowable, package for the masses. It’s hard not to be entertained, but as far as I am concerned there is also a lot of depth to what he is doing. I felt there was more of a through line holding everything together and more improv in his last show disinformation, but nonetheless Transition was a very polished assault on our minds. Reggie Watts is a very compelling stage presence no matter what he is doing.

And don’t forget he is also an amazing beat boxer:

Reggie Watts: Out Of Control from Jakob Lodwick on Vimeo.

The Public
January 7-17th 2009
a really nice and more eloquent write up of disinformation here
also reggie’s website

img above from flickr, pica’s stream

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

brieflifeofoscarwao A wonderful gem of a book, in the tradition of 100 years of solitude…or any other novel where generations intertwine and the past has a great influence on the present without the knowledge of it’s current inhabitants. Destiny manifested in our parents’, grand-parents’, and even great grand-parents’ minute decisions all have a great hold on us. This is a great read.

You also learn, at least I did, a lot of previously unknown history of the Dominican Republic through long and sometimes multi-page, quite informative, footnotes. Oh yes, and not many books out there that are so un-self-conciously geeky (Sauron and Akira anyone?). What a wondrous mix!

PSD Bomb


You’ve been PSD’d! Interesting street art project. (Just in case you’ve forgotten how pervasive photoshopping is in our world.) Definitely enjoy the site-specific nature of this altering.