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Month: November 2009
Typographic Wonder
Beautiful typographic visuals for an interesting spoken word poem:
Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.
Awesome Blog Find
It’s nice to look at photos of your parents when they were young, and try to imagine what their lives were like. Often times you figure out how cool and awesome they were back then. The my parents were awesome blog collects all the photographic proof of people’s parents being awesome in one spot.
(via swiss-miss)
R.I.P. Jeanne-Claude

A huge loss for the art community, she will be missed.
Their art was often temporary and as a result expressed
the “love and tenderness that we human beings have
for what does not last.”
Embrace Risk
i.e. the 40-30-30 rule:
On a ride up the ski lift, my coach told me I was missing the point. He explained that success in ski racing, or most sports for that matter, was only 40% physical training. The other 60% was mental. And of that, the first 30% was technical skill and experience. The second 30% was the willingness to take risks.
I’ve never heard of it before, but it makes sense, and can be applied anywhere. Read the full article, but the take away is to embrace risk and go for it, push yourself beyond your comfort zone.
(via thedonutproject)
Handmade Book Stop Motion
I’ve made a few handmade books before, none of this complexity, but I appreciate the artistry that goes into making a book by hand, and this video shows you the long laborious, detail oriented, and complex process. But when you’re finally done you really feel an amazing sense of accomplishment. The end result always instills a sense of awe, every detail is there and each and everyone was done by hand.
(via notcot)
Cameron Booth Interstate Map
Cameron Booth, inspired by Harry Beck’s famous London underground map, created this interpretation of the US Interstate system.
As a design exercise and visually I think it looks fantastic. It also shows off beautifully the basic lines of the highway system design, for example the way interstate 80 cuts straight across the country from coast to coast.
I’m not sure how usable it is as an actual map though, I had a hard time finding Los Angeles, even though it is the second largest city in the US.
(via coudal)
parades & changes, replays – Anna Halprin/Anne Collod & guests
When I saw this at the MCA chicago this past weekend I was not aware that it is a re-enactment, re-creation, “re-activation” of a piece that was originally performed in 1965. I wish I could have seen the original, in it’s original time more than 40 years ago, as such I am grateful I was able to at least see a re-activated version. That would explain why it felt not entirely current, I felt like there was an element missing, but now I understand that feeling to simply be the result of watching a re-doing, instead of the original doing.
Even so, I thought they did a remarkable job of altering the space with their actions, movement and props. The stage was continually evolving and morphing, we were part of their collective reshaping/constructing, and each scene created a full powerful landscape complete with new inhabitants embodied by the dancers.
I think a classically trained ballet dancer would have a hard time seeing any dance at all, but it was perfect for me, despite the fact that it felt a little like an extended exercise. I think any re-enactment will always feel like that, but I will gladly take that in exchange for a chance to see something resurrected from the past I would otherwise not get to see.
NOTE: you can catch it in new york city, it will be at DTW next week, part of the performa 09 biennial.
november 5 – 8
museum of contemporary art
Chicago, IL
coming up
november 18 – 21
Dance Theater Workshop
New York, NY
Fred Lebain
This is the kind of augmented reality I like! Not that virtual stuff. I also love the fact that it’s New York. In my mind it’s also a performance. I guess technically this is photography, but I can’t help but view a lot of art in terms of it’s performative aspects. Either way I find the end result visually interesting and thought provoking.
Continue reading Fred Lebain
I am not a black artist, I am an artist.
— Jean Michel Basquiat