The Village Pet Store…

and Charcoal Grill!

I was waiting to post about this until I saw it in person. I finally went to the village on Sunday, sought it out especially. Unfortunately, this is what I saw:

too late! oh well. This is was the site of a Banksy site-specific installation. I’m big fan of their work and I’m sad I missed it. I will just have to be content watching this video (apparently photos do not do it justice, hence my need to see it in person):

well, I’m sure it was good! (video via woostercollective)

be sure to check out the official website:

The Unfinished Swan

Came across this very interesting “blank” video game. I will have to play it to truly judge it gameness – fun, engaging, and interactive quotient – but as a concept it certainly looks very interesting. I like how it deconstructs the usual elements needed for a video game. It’s very minimal and visually engaging. (via — so many places it’s hard to know — let’s say swissmiss)

Quartet for the End of Time

Perhaps it was said best by the New york times – “more exciting than watching paint dry, but not by a wide margin.”  Very very juvenile, underdeveloped, and boring.  Not somber, cohesive, able to convey a shred of meaning.  Maybe I just didn’t get it. But art is about communicating your ideas, and a lot of the audience was audibly groaning and/or leaving, so they weren’t even in a position to receive anything after sitting in the dark watching blurry photos in a slideshow.

Trajal Harrell
Dance Theater Workshop
October 16 2008


The thing I hate the most about advertising is that it attracts all the bright, creative and ambitious young people, leaving us mainly with the slow and self-obsessed to become our artists. Modern art is a disaster area. Never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little.

— Banksy