This is not a sculpture…

This is actually a street performer in Los Angeles, the mysterious Mirror Man. I think this is a fantastic idea. I think as a static sculpture it would be an arresting image and bring up metaphysical contemplation, but the added layer of it being a live performer really brings it up another level. Would love to experience this in person.

Unfortunately I can’t find any more info about this artist/performer, but you can check out a lot more images of this scene at SiLver sKY’s flickr photostream where I found this.

Old NYC Maps

Do you like old maps? NYPL has an excellent digital archive of old maps of New York City. While you are there, be sure to check out the previously mentioned amazing photographs of 1930’s New York City.

Did you know you can take a look behind the scenes of the NYPL digital archive? Just like google, they have a lab where they research and develop new projects and features.

Finally, if you are a real map aficionado check out the always interesting Strange Maps blog. I highly recommend it.